Midas’s ears - Мидасовы уши
Apollo, the god of music and poetry, once found
himself engaged in a musical contest with Pan, the god
of flocks and shepherds. Midas, king of Phrygia, was
the judge of the contest, and he awarded the prize to
Pan, in spite of the marked inferiority of his playing.
Apollo was so incensed by this injustice, that lie determined to show his opinion of the ignorant judge by
causing large-sized ass’s ears to grow on either side
of his head.
Greatly dismayed by these new ornaments, Midas
retreated into the privacy of his own apartment, and
sent in haste for a barber, who, after having been
sworn to secrecy, was admitted and bidden to make
a huge wig, which would hide the deformity from the
eyes of the king’s subjects. Before he was allowed to
leave the palace, the barber was again charged not to
reveal the secret, under penalty of immediate death.
But a secret is difficult to keep, and this one, of the
king’s long ears, preyed upon the poor barber’s spirit,
so that, incapable of enduring silence any longer, he
went out into a field, dug a deep hole, and whispered
into the bosom of the earth, “King Midas has ass’s
ears.” Unspeakably relieved by the performance, the
barber returned home.
Time passed. Reeds grew over the hole, and, as they
bent before the wind which rustled through their leaves,
they were heard to murmur, “Midas, King Midas, has
a ss’s ears!” and all who passed by caught the whisper,
and repeated the words, so that the secret was not
a secret any longer.
The words the ears of Midas are used to denote
ignorance and stupidity that ca n ’t be concealed.
Аполлон пригласил фригийского царя Мидаса
быть судьей во время его состязания с Паном. И не
согласился царь с решением Муз — приятней была
ему музыка фригийского сатира. Разгневался тогда
Аполлон и наградил его ослиными ушами, ведь только глупец мег отдать предпочтение его сопернику.
Пришлось отныне Мидасу постоянно ходить в шапке, чтобы скрыть свои длинные у ш и .. Никому не известна была тайна Мидаса, кроме его цирюльника.
Но тому приказано было молчать. Долго крепилсй
цирюльник и все-таки не выдержал: вырыл ямку в
саду и еле слышно прошептал туда: «У царя Мидаса
ослиные уши», а затем засыпал ямку землей. На этом
месте вырос тростник, который и поведал об этом секрете всему свету. И до сих пор, когда хотят сказать
о глупости или невежестве, которые невозможно
скрыть, вспоминают Мидасовы уши.